pH Restore Vaginal Splash


Typically, the vagina has a pH level of about 3.5 to 4.5 which means that your vagina is acidic. Store bought commercials soaps are typically 9 to 11 on the pH scale and this certainly can throw your pH out of wack because they are very alkaline.   Here’s is what you should know about cleansing inside your vagina: There’s good bacteria, and there’s bad bacteria. By scrubbing down the insides, you’re getting rid of both.  ph Restore splash helps to keep the bad bacteria eliminated and the good bacteria in good supply.  “If you take out the good bacteria, the bad bacteria has more opportunity to overtake the vagina.” This can lead to yeast infections and other issues like bacterial vaginosis, another type of infection.

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Washing your lady parts is typically a subconscious activity.  However, if you are not aware of the dangers of putting soap down there or what kind of soap/wash you should be using, then you could be misguided.  How to clean your most delicate area is never discussed in school and rarely at home.  This is why most women suffer from chronic vaginal infections.  pH Restore Splash is a handy Vagina Refresher throughout your day.  When you are not able to shower between meetings or after long days of class, our pH Restore Splash is the thing you need to keep your fresh throughout the day.  I wouldn’t be caught without this little gem in my purse.

If you are like me  when things are uncomfortable down there, things are uncomfortable everywhere. So I like to keep my little girl happy, healthy, and feeling fresh.
Typically, the vagina has a pH level of about 3.5 to 4.5 (pH is measured on a scale of zero to 14). Store bought commercials soaps are typically 9 to 11 on the pH scale and this certainly can throw your pH out of wack.   Here’s the thing about cleansing inside your vagina: There’s good bacteria, and there’s bad bacteria. By scrubbing down the insides, you’re getting rid of both.  ph Restore splash helps to keep the bad bacteria eliminated and the good bacteria in good supply.  “If you take out the good bacteria, the bad bacteria has more opportunity to overtake the vagina.” This can lead to yeast infections and other issues like bacterial vaginosis, another type of infection.