Golden Mil Benefits Ayurveda Recipe



Laeh Shea’s Apothecary’s new drink the Pain Latte is an all-natural drink of Ayurvedic medicine that is great for pain and inflammation.  This new twist on treating pain packs a surprisingly great taste and a wonderful pain reliever.  We have been testing and testing old remedies with newly discovered herbs and botanicals and we believe we have a winning combination just in time for the fall.  If you love Lattes, then you will love the pain Latte.  We used our knowledge of anti-inflammatory herbs and we know we have a hit on our hand.  Created to help with pain from arthritis, low back pain and generalized pain it also aids with insomnia. Pain Latte has a high content of antioxidants which are cancer-protective, anti-aging and lubricates joints. Our main ingredient is Tumeric.   The benefits of Tumeric has been touted all over the world.  It properties include preventing infections, joint health and improvement in circulation.  Several people tout it for it’s ability to fight mucus and therefore be used to treat respiratory infections like the cold and flu.   Several clinical trials have clinically shown superiority of Tumeric over NSAIDS.

According to data provided by the Arthritis Foundation on its website www.arthritis.org, several recent studies show that turmeric/curcumin has anti-inflammatory properties and modifies immune system responses.  A 2006 study also showed turmeric was more effective at preventing joint inflammation than reducing joint inflammation. In 2010, a clinical trial found that a turmeric supplement called Meriva (standardized to 75 percent curcumin combined with phosphatidylcholine) provided long-term improvement in pain and function in 100 patients with knee OA.

Our pain blend has been formulated to help:


Fight Pain

Boost the immune system

Act as a blood toner and purifier

Boost Metabolism for energy and weight loss

Prevent Respiratory Problems


Reduce Blood Pressue

Aid in cognition

Clears Skin

Brain Health

Treat GI Upset, ulcers and IBS

Regulates Sleep