About Us
Theresa Harris is a leading clinical researcher , lab director, teacher, cosmetic formulator, naturopath, entrepreneur, radio host, and community leader. She is the Lead Scientist of Columbus Research & Wellness Institute which she founded in 2003. Columbus Research & Wellness Institute is a biomedical research center that has led to major pharmaceutical discoveries. As a Clinical Researcher she travels extensively training, conducting and auditing leading pharmaceutical drugs.

In 2009, founder, Theresa Harris, a clinical researcher, a chronic suffer of eczema needed a solution when modern medicine wasn’t working effectively to treat her condition. Frustrated by the lack of viable medications to effectively treat certain skin diseases, she took matters into her own hands and began creating natural formulas that worked in her kitchen. She took the knowledge that she had gain in pharmaceutical research and applied that to cosmetic formulating. She began formulating natural and organic cosmetic products to ease the irritation of her skin disorder. She fell in love with Shea Butter, when her skin condition was healed in two weeks. In her kitchen, she began making hair and skincare products. Shortly, thereafter, she had a loyal community of users and believers and now formulates the products still by hand. To date, she has witnessed many skin disorders treated and loves teaching healthy lifestyle management. She believes making the products herself controls what is actually in the product. Within months, she was formulating natural products for her friends, family, and patients. As the popularity of her products grew, she founded Laeh Shea Naturals, the word “heal” spelled backward. Laeh Shea Naturals is her crowning achievement. Despite all the success, she found in aiding the discovery of new medications, she purposes in natural cosmetic formulation with the use of Shea Butter. A few applications of Shea Butter healed her eczema. This led to her to researching everything related to Shea Butter. Sadly, there was not much research done in the field. It has been her mission to educate, train and become a social advocate for the advancing of Shea Butter. Her novel approach to creating emerging technologies has created a variety of uses for Shea Butter beyond the current use of food applications, as well as skin and hair-care, thus, increasing the value of Shea Butter.
In recent years, Laeh Shea has begun research on the medical use of CBD and other healing herbs. The healing power of CBD and medical marijuana has led our company to change our research-based clinic to a hybrid Apothecary where we marry conventional methods with evidence-based herbal medicines. The recent COVID-19 Virus has created new milestones for Theresa Harris. Her custom herbal formulations for COVID-19 has been effective with her products shipped all over the USA. Her crowning achievement is her Elderberry and the new COVID COCKTAIL is raising eyebrows in the nutritional supplementation world. Blending our knowledge of research and disease brought us to our Pain Point of the alarming rates of disease spreadability. We set out to find a method for halting this virus. This led us to create a COVID-19 Disinfection and Decontamination Service. Total Virus Eradication is what we believe.
Clinical Herbalist, Theresa Harris's journey to educate her community and the world doesn’t stop with the work she creates in the lab but continues with her ongoing commitment to finding quality products that promote health and wellness. She believes that global standard practices, as well as standardizations, will propel her products and services are created with health and wellness in mind.
Laeh Shea’s guarantee is that you will” Love the skin you’re in” through dynamic health and wellness safety.
Listen to Organic Sista Monday’s at 2pm 92.1 fm or flavor921.com
For Branding and Speaking Engagements contact laehsheaapothecary@gmail.com or info@laehshea.com