I have a growing concern for Shea Butter here in the USA.  I’m amazed at the different types of Shea Butter that is being sold here that many companies are passing off as authentic Shea Butter.  I’ve recently partnered with the American Shea Butter Institute to bring awareness as well as education to what pure Grade A Shea Butter is.  It is confusing to the untrained observer how to determine what represents good Shea Butter.  Without becoming a scientist or a chemist, it is virtually hard to detect what constitutes pure Shea Butter.  But, I want to give you some guidelines for purchasing Shea Butter.  To maintain the quality of Shea Butter it should be kept at a constant temperature or refrigerated when not in use, Shea Butter should not be handled with hands and that pure Shea Butter that is not filtered for impurities, mold, yeast, fungus and bacteria should not be formulated into products or used on the body. If this is not guranteed then I wouldn’t purchase.  Currently the American Shea Butter Institute is the only company that performs lab testing for Shea Butter.   I’m particulary sensitive to addressing Shea Butter education.  I’ve founded my company on the many undiscovered and underused benefits of Shea Butter.  The American Shea Butter Institute, will be offering Shea Butter courses along with it’s certification in 2012.  Coming soon will be a website for shea butter formulations at www.sheabutterchemistry.com.  Please visit there in the next few months for all your do-it-yourselfers and formulators.

Respectfully,  Dr. Harris