You would have to be living under a rock if you have not heard about the Coronavirus Epidemic. Unfortunately, if we do not do anything to stop this deadly virus, many people across the nation will die. I felt the need to discuss this so widely reported disease after returning this past weekend from a Clinical Research Conference that had to do with a new Alzheimer’s Drug. You can learn about effective Alzheimer’s drugs and see it here. But, if you get a group of doctors and scientists in the room and there’s a new epidemic, we will do what we are educated and trained to do: SOLVE DISEASES.
I’m just like so many others who get so upset with the media and the misinformation of things. Social media is great in so many ways, but when it is bad it is terrible. The Coronavirus is no different than other diseases that have come to light. We take information from many sources and we do not fact check to know what is right or wrong. For example, the average mask that you buy out the drug store is NOT sufficient for protecting you. Think about it, it’s still open on both sides. That means anything airborne can still get in. You need the masks that doctors wear for prevention.
I want to give you some basic understanding of what the Coronavirus is. The Coronavirus is not just one disease. It’s actually a family of different diseases. The family of the Coronavirus includes Cold, Flu, MERS, SARS, and Pneumonia. We’ve heard of all these so, the virus that is plaguing China is not the Coronvirus itself, in fact, it’s being N2019- N-Cov. The “N” represents the word Novel. Meaning that it’s new and we don’t know much about it. (honestly). This new disease is unique and wants attention from the rest of the viruses.
For clarity, there are many viruses that live on our skin. We are mostly never affected by it because we have built an immunity to it (meaning it will not cause harm). As long as our immunity is intact or strong, these viruses and bacteria pose no harm. However, illness or disease can make us more susceptible to the virus and we become sick. It’s important to know that these viruses don’t live in the body, they live on the skin, and we carry them into the body. This is typically done when we put our hands in our mouth, nose or eyes. We have now transported this virus inside the body. Such is the case with the Coronavirus. The Coronavirus is transported to the lungs via the nose.
The lungs look like an upside-down tree. You have the trunk, branches, sub-branches, and leaves. The lungs have branches called the bronchus, bronchioles and the alveoli are the leaves (go with me). The Coronavirus looks like a tennis ball with spikes. It is the spikes that attach itself to certain areas in the body and then replicates itself like a copy machine.
In the case of the Coronavirus, the virus attaches itself to the lungs and infects the entire segment of the lungs. This infection causes inflammation and the entire lungs swell with the infection. Where see the most damage is in the alveoli. The Alveoli are small sacs that carry oxygen to the blood. The deoxygenated blood picks up oxygen from the Alveoli and sends oxygenated blood to the heart. So you can imagine that if the Alveoli are swollen and can not send oxygen to the blood properly, the membrane that transports this is inflamed so oxygen is not getting in or out of the lungs efficiently and the oxygen now becomes toxic. So someone with Coronavirus will develop shortness of breath and must be placed on a ventilator. This is a various serious problem because you now have mechanical ventilation and this stresses the entire body. Most patients that die from these viruses, actually die from ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome).
What we know about this virus as of today is that on 1/31/20, one month after the discovery of the disease 170 people had died and on 2/2/20 the number has risen 305. We know have our 8th case in the US. Over a hundred people are quarantined at March Air Reserve who are released after 72 hours, but we have not established a true incubation period. If we look at the confirmed patients in Germany we can see that the incubation was short and that the patients were asymptomatic for several days. This makes it a true epidemic in my opinion.
Here’s what we do know. The virus originated in a Wet Market in China. The virus is a virus that animals and not humans have. Problem #1. Our human system not only doesn’t have an immunity to it. Once introduced to our immune system it will confuse it. Many patients with symptoms will go to the hospital with possible infection and then potentially exposed them to hospital-acquired MRSA and other opportunistic infections. This is so so serious! Additionally, we know have a virus that was only contained in live animals that have spread to humans and now humans have become the host because we can now spread it to other humans. God help us!
This virus does not have a treatment it can only be supported. It’s novel. It has not been seen in humans. We have to treat this with the weapons we have. Clinically we have proven that Elderberry and Vitamin C are great at boosting our immune system. Of course, there are many others, but we are working on WHAT WE CLEARLY KNOW is that Elderberry has treated the flu for ages and it is easy to make or obtain. Washing hands and staying away from your nose is a most if you touch anything. Stay away from crowded and public places. Humidifiers in every room is a suggestion. For people who have traveled to China in Dec to now stay away! Don’t go with the small incubation period because there is so much WE DON’T KNOW!
I have been using my special blend of Elderberry for years.