How many of us grab the salt shaker prior to tasting the food? I am guilty of always adding salt to my grits before I eat it. Like many African Americans, salt is a staple in our homes. After all, our bodies do require salt, right? Who among us doesn’t like a nice bath salt? And, what is popcorn without the salt?
Sodium Chloride, better known as salt, is a mineral that is essential for life. However, we are a country over-salted with too much Sodium in our diet. For those of us who suffer from hypertension, our doctors and nutritionist constantly remind us to reduce our salt intake. But, how does one do that when EVERYTHING has salt init. There is 2300 mg of salt in just one teaspoon. If that doesn’t sound like much, multiply that by everything you eat in a day that more than 1tsp of sodium in it. All processed foods have some levels of sodium (mostly high). The American Heart Association states that the average American consumes about 3400 mg of salt per day. If you’ve calculated right, that just above the one teaspoon that we talked about earlier. I actually, think the American Heart Association got it wrong. Many are consuming this amount in drinks alone. So why do I care?
High levels of sodium affect the heart. High levels of salt in the bloodstream pulls water into your arteries and veins and increases the blood pressure in your vessels. We all know what happens when blood pressure consistently remains high, it leads to heart attacks and strokes. To protect yourself, lower your sodium intake and be aware of hidden salt in the diet. Look at food labels that show the sodium content. Anything below 140 mg or less of salt is considered to be a low sodium product. There are six products that I call “sneaky salts” because they contain more salt than most people realize. They are deli meats, pizza, bread, chicken, cheese, and pickles. Using herbs instead of salt to flavor your food is a healthy and tasty alternative. The store’s shelves are lined with salt-free seasonings try them. I especially like growing my own herbs. Which is so easy to do.
When eating out, consider raw vegetables by way of salads. When adding dressing, make sure you control the amount and not have it served already prepared on your dish. Choose the unsalted nut rather than those that are salted. When using can goods, please rinse them as they have been preserved in salt to maintain freshness. And finally, learn these words: Sodium Chloride, MSG, Baking Soda and Disodium Phosphate. These are all salts.
If you have any questions regarding sodium, speak with your doctor or contact The American Heart Association at and request information. And finally, You Are The Salt of Earth! Just don’t eat too much of it!