Natural Skin Brightener and Lightner. Skin bleaching creams have had a lot of controversy because of hydroquinone. We have used all natural ingredients to make this effective skin cream. We have added the benefits of Shea Butter that drastically reduces scaring, stretch marks and has vitamins A and E along with its natural sunscreen and included Kojic Acid and Vitamin C to make this the most powerful skin lightener on the market. You will see stretch marks dramatically reduced, hyper-pigmentation improved. Under -arms, inner thighs, elbows, knees and face. This is your answer to age spots and liver spots. Chocolate legs with a hint of choclate is what your body needs. Excellent burns and scarring too.
i just wanna thank you for sharing your this information on your blog
I’m so glad that you enjoy the site. We will continue to provide useful information.
Hey there! You visited Charleston SC a couple of years back for the Black Expo and I visited your table. I purchased this “lotion bar” called Chocolate legs and absolutely love it!! I’ve received many compliments on the fragrance and wanted to purchase more from your site but can’t seem to find it. Did you discontinue it?
Diana, we no longer sell it in the lotion bar. Most of our customers demanded a larger container. So we have it in the 8 oz jar and have discontinued it in the lotion bar and 4 oz jar. Dr. Harris
Oh no! I really liked the “on the go” lotion bar but understand the need for change. I do have an additional question: The 8 oz jar is actually a skin lightner for scars and strech marks- right? Can it be used simply as a lotion or moisturizer? I don’t have many scars or stretch marks but love the scent of Chocolate legs and wanted to continue using the product but only as a lotion. Is that possible?
Yes, all pure shea butter products can be used as an effective moisturizer. It is possible to use the Chocolate Legs are a moisturizer and not a skin lightener. Chocolate Legs will on lighten a darkened area or an area of hyperpigmentation. If there is no area of hyperpigmentation, it will serve as a skin moisturizer. Dr. Harris