I know we don’t want to talk about it.  I tried to talk about this virus long before it became an issue here in the USA.   Coronavirus is a virus that is capturing the attention of so many.  Why did it have to get so deadly before we took action here in the states?  It is no mystery what this virus can do.  We saw it in China.  Just because something is miles away and it happens to our neighbors across the sea, doesn’t mean that it will not affect us.  Well, now we know.  This virus is not playing and it will be advantageous to plan for your family.

Currently, there is no cure and the amount of people with the virus is growing daily.  I’ve done several things in my home to prepare for this widespread virus regardless of whether it affects my family or not.  The key to virus prevention is to get ahead of it.  We know that washing hands is the best prevention, but we must go further.  Surfaces need to be sanitized and our most vulnerable populations need education.  Having some of the EPA recommended products that kill viruses is key.  Here’s a link:


I would wish that everyone start taking immune-boosting supplements and food to help support the body.  We know that most healthy adults can fight this virus just by being healthy and having a strong immune system.  My go-to always during the cold and flu season is Elderberry.  It’s clinically proven and well documented to work.  I’m so happy to see it in so many pharmacies as we can no longer deny its effectiveness.  Elderberry Syrup or Elderberry Tinctures seem to be the most effective.   I love it so much that I take it year-round and I hope you do too.  Each new Super Virus is stronger and stronger.  While this virus will pass, whatever is on the horizon is sure to be deadlier.

I like my Elderberry Recipe.  I pack it with so much powerful vitamins, antioxidants, immune boosters and botanicals.  But, here is a great recipe for Elderberry syrup.   And for those of you who asks me, how can get my syrup thicker like a true syrup?  You can add glycerin, arrow root powder,guar gum and soy lecithin.


Elderbery Syrup

4 cups of water

1 cup of dry Elderberry

2 tbsp of dried ginger

1 large piece of fresh ginger

1 tsp of vanilla

2 cinnamon sticks

2 cloves

1 cup of honey

Simmer all ingredients in a pot for 30 to 45 minutes except honey.   Allow to cool.  Add honey for flavor and preservation.