Matthew 5:13
“You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet.

Salt is Kyriptonite to high blood pressure. Too much sodium in the diet is what increases blood pressure. Our modern diet is riddled with too much salt. When you eat too much salt, which contains sodium, your body holds extra water to “wash” the salt from your body. In some people, this may cause blood pressure to rise. The added water puts stress on your heart and blood vessels and causes your heart to work harder. Unfortunately, salt is in everything as a flavor ingredient, preservative or thickener. So what is one to do to avoid it?

How much sodium is too much?
The American Heart Association recommends limiting daily sodium intake no more than 1,500 milligrams. (A teaspoon of salt has about 2,400 milligrams of sodium.) I’m sure you would agree that most of us exceed this in one meal or even one drink.

High sodium intake wasn’t the case before 1940. There were cases for Iodine deficiencies and the salt industry started adding Iodine to salt and now our grocery stores are lined with Iodized Salt. This sounds great! Nope. We started manufacturing salt rather than mining salt. When we mined salt, we got sodium that was nutritional and contained mineral other beneficial minerals that didn’t raise blood pressure.

Today to help fight my hypertension, I use Sea Moss. In fact, I make a Sea Moss/SourSop Medical Drink and my friend Kelley Walker makes a great smoothie. Her drink is delicious. But SeaMoss gives you Calcium, Potassium, and Magnesium all of which your heart needs. Sea Moss has 92 of 102 minerals your body needs. Please consider making your own or buying this drink. You literally don’t need to take a vitamin if you drink 1 to 2 tablespoons of this per day. Kelly’s Kocktails can be found at Laeh Shea’s Apothecary, 706-507-5420.