What Is A Pain Latte?
The Pain Latte is Laeh Shea’s spin on golden milk. You know, I create foods that are medicine so I can balance my health. Golden milk is also known as turmeric milk. It’s a warm and cozy milk that is great for fall. The blend of turmeric, ginger and different spices make this a great drink for sleep, but we kick it up a notch and make it as a pain latte. You can actually add your favorite brand of tea and make it a powerful antioxidant golden milk tea. The possibilities are endless. But, here is where the magic happens. Tumeric is great for pain and inflammation. If you add a few drops of CBD and WoW! A winning combination of pain relief. Did, I tell you this is also great for sleep.
The last few years have seen a surge in the use of Tumeric. We have tumeric foods, lotions, creams, and drinks. The active ingredient in tumeric is curcumin and in Indian and Asia cultures, turmeric is integrated in most dishes. The western world is just now catching up. Turmeric milk traces its roots to India where the spice plays an integral part in Asian cuisine. The spice is commonly ground up with coconut oil or olive oil and turned into a thick paste. The golden paste can then be used in baked goods and fried meals. Tumeric milk tea is also wildly popular in Indian Ayurvedic medicine where it is used as a home remedy for a variety of ailments. Here’s a recipe that I use for insomnia. (Did you think I was going to give you the recipe for the pain latte?)
Sleepy Time Milk
Serves: 1
Cook Time: 10 minutes
- 4 ounces of water
- 1 tablespoon Chamomile
- 1 tablespoon Ginger Tumeric Tea
- 1 cup of nut milk (almond, coconut, cashew)
- 1/8 teaspoon black pepper
- 1 teaspoon raw honey or maple syrup
- A dash of ground cinnamon or nutmeg
1. Use a small saucepan to bring the water to a near boil. Turn the stove down to low heat and steep the chamomile tea leaves for 4 minutes. Discard the chamomile when it is done steeping using a fine mesh strainer.
2. Meanwhile, cook the milk in a separate pan until it’s medium warm.
3. Mix together the turmeric, ginger and black pepper in a bowl.
4. In a blender combine the chamomile tea, warmed milk mixture, and golden milk spices. Blend until frothy and taste. Add honey if desired and enjoy.
5. Serve in a glass jar or glass teacup to enjoy the visually pleasing hue of the tea.
The Pain Latte is a blend of tumeric, milk and healing spices that goes down well when it hits the back of the throat and the stomach. It does a body good. Stop by Laeh Shea’s Apothecary and get this delicious drink.