October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, but I wonder are we more aware. I absolutely hate the word cancer. It should not belong in our world or our dictionary of words. It has removed more people in my life than I care to think about. Its devastation is crippling to so many family members. But, let’s talk about what cancer is. Cancer occurs when you have abnormal cell growth. Rather than these old cells dying off, they begin to multipy. These cells then form new abnormal cells that form a mass called a tumor.
These cells have no respect for your body so they can form in any area. In women, it’s the reproductive organs, in men it is the prostate and the colon. But, cancer is not gender-specific. It’s so rude that men are being diagnosed with breast cancer. So, I think we all need to be on some type of cancer protocol. It’s is something that I strongly advocate and believe every household in American should adopt. I recently, lost another person to cancer and it just made me sick and angry. It also caused me to look at what I was doing. Yes, I have changed my eating habits to a more plant based diet, but I haven’t fully incorporated a cancer-free diet. Which is crazy. I’ve been so concerned about hypertension, diabetes and inflammation, that I did not factor in cancer because I don’t have an immediate risk. Boy was I wrong! We are all at risk. So let’s educate ourselves and put into practice a anti-cancer protocol. Here are the five categories of cancer:
- Carcinomas begin in the skin or tissues that line the internal organs.
- Sarcomas develop in the bone, cartilage, fat, muscle or other connective tissues.
- Leukemia begins in the blood and bone marrow.
- Lymphomas start in the immune system.
- Central nervous system cancers develop in the brain and spinal cord.